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        1. Tianfu Park Wendeng Weihai
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        4. 0631-8350827
        5. 知識解答
          • Analysis of main features of industrial cooling fans
            Analysis of main features of industrial cooling...

            1. Completely environmentally friendly product: It is an environmentally friendly product with no compression, no cold coal and no pollution. It uses the principle of outdoor fresh air evaporative cooling to cool down and convect the air with the indoor to achieve indoor ventilation and cooling.


          • Energy saving and environmental protection is still the development direction of domestic wind turbine industry
            Energy saving and environmental protection is s...

            The state of the wind turbine industry is representative of the entire manufacturing industry. In addition to the construction of public infrastructure, the state's 4 trillion investment should focus on improving innovation capabilities in the implementation of industrial revitalization plans.


          • How to deal with the problem that the fan power is too high or too low
            How to deal with the problem that the fan power...

            If the generator power continues (generally set 30~60s), the reverse power, the value is less than the preset value Ps, the wind turbine will exit the grid and be in the standby state. The off-network action process is as follows:


          • Analysis of main features of industrial cooling fans
            Analysis of main features of industrial cooling...

            1. Completely environmentally friendly product: It is an environmentally friendly product with no compression, no cold coal and no pollution. It uses the principle of outdoor fresh air evaporative cooling to cool down and convect the air with the indoor to achieve indoor ventilation and cooling.


          • Energy saving and environmental protection is still the development direction of domestic wind turbine industry
            Energy saving and environmental protection is s...

            The state of the wind turbine industry is representative of the entire manufacturing industry. In addition to the construction of public infrastructure, the state's 4 trillion investment should focus on improving innovation capabilities in the implementation of industrial revitalization plans.


          • How to deal with the problem that the fan power is too high or too low
            How to deal with the problem that the fan power...

            If the generator power continues (generally set 30~60s), the reverse power, the value is less than the preset value Ps, the wind turbine will exit the grid and be in the standby state. The off-network action process is as follows:


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          Address: Tianfu Industrial Park, Wendeng District, Weihai City, Shandong Province
          E-mail: kailitefengji@163.com
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