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          • 1
          Your Current Location :HomeJobTechnical Worker  
          Technical Worker
          Contact Us
        1. Tianfu Park Wendeng Weihai
        2. Personnel:Yu Director
        3. 15763179188(Phone)
        4. 15763179188@163.com
        5. Technical Worker

          skilled worker

          Published Date : 2019-09-05 Closing Date : 2029-09-05
          WorkingLife: 1-3 years Education Requirements: Specialist and above
          WorkingPlace : Weihai Amount: 6


          Work hard and hard work, have the spirit of research, and constantly innovate and learn.
          久久精品国产久精国产_国模无码视频一区一_国产饥渴熟女91专区_久久国产精品免费 超碰在线97中文 亚洲第一精品极品
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